my slices are gone

David Rawling djr at
Thu Dec 3 22:07:20 UTC 2009

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Worster [mailto:fsb at]
Subject: Re: my slices are gone
On 12/3/09 4:34 PM, "David Rawling" <djr at> wrote:

>> I'm barely starting off in the FreeBSD world after a long hiatus, but might
>> you perchance have been using Dangerously Dedicated disks? It doesn't seem to
>> match the disk layout but you never know.
>> Lots of people have had trouble since DD mode disappeared (it took me ages to
>> figure out why my VMs with DD mode always broke).
>i don't really see why this should have been working and then stop working
>on a freebsd-update.

I should have clarified - FreeBSD 8.0 seems to have done away with DD disks
completely. They are no longer configurable in sysinstall, for example, and I
have seen reports of failure with the 8.0 kernels on existing DD systems, after

David Rawling
PD Consulting And Security
Email: djr at

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