A question for developers

Steve Bertrand steve at ibctech.ca
Mon Aug 17 12:14:08 UTC 2009

Manish Jain wrote:

> You are right. Syntax highlighting only works well with X. On the
> console, to the best of knowledge, there is no way to change the colours
> through vim's rc files.

Syntax colour changing does work via .vimrc on the console. The
constructs are named differently: ctermfg, cterm etc.

The default however uses bright yellow and very light blue for many
things, which doesn't appear well on my white console.

Also, there is only a limited number of colours for the console. Your
scheme provided me with what I needed in order to play around for myself.

>>> With that said, I can tell that what you provided me with is much better
>>> than the default. I'll play around this afternoon and see what I can
>>> come up with.
> I am really glad you like my colour set. Please pass it on to anyone who
> might be interested.
> I do not know what your level of expertise with Vim is. Provided you are
> or intend to be serious user and that your knowledge is somewhere in the
> range of beginner to intermediate, I might be able to help a little
> further. 

Well, I just started with it about a week or two ago, but I plan on
using this as my editor from now on.

> Attached is vimref.txt (in a zip), which I created as a
> mini-reference for everything I found useful for daily work. Please go
> through this file AFTER running vim's own tutor.
> Some lines from my .vimrc which you may find useful :
> set backspace=2 whichwrap+=<,>,[,]
> vnoremap <BS> d
> set autoindent
> set nobackup
> set nohlsearch
> set nonumber
> set ruler
> set linebreak
> set wrap
> set laststatus=2
> set tabstop=4
> set shiftwidth=4
> set noexpandtab
> set showmode
> set nocompatible
> set vb t_vb=
> set display=lastline
> set ignorecase
> set nomodeline

Many of these were documented in the tutor, and others I have found
while reading other docs.


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