boot sector f*ed

PJ af.gourmet at
Thu Aug 13 22:22:21 UTC 2009

> For your systems that are running well, get an external harddisk that is at
> least as big as the one in the machine. On my website I have explained how to
> prepare this disk in somewhat greater detail:
> Then use the dump(8) command to make
> backups of the internal harddisk partitions and write them to the external
> harddisk. Say that you have mounted the external harddisk at /mnt/backups. The
> following command makes a backup of the entire root partition, and compresses
> it to save space:
> 	dump -0 -a -C 8 -L -u -f - / |gzip -1 >/mnt/backups/root-20090813.gz

How about 7zip instead of gzip? does better compression, from what I
learned.... ???

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