maybe OT, but involves OOO its slideshow fmt, ``Impress''

Peter Ulrich Kruppa ulrich at
Wed Apr 22 15:35:17 UTC 2009

Am Mittwoch, den 22.04.2009, 00:23 -0700 schrieb Gary Kline:
> 	In any case, there are
> 	two questions for this list.  
> 	The first, obviously, is subjective and is:
> 	would having my stuff in slideshow fmt gain me a wider readership?  
Yes. Any sort of attractive presentation will draw more attention to
your content than ordinary text without any pictures or animations.

> 	The
> 	second is:  anybody out there willing to clue me in on this stuff?
I have always made very good experiences with technical questions of all
kind on this list. Regarding your contents or lay-out and design there
probably are better forums.


> 	gary

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