Portsnap question

illoai at gmail.com illoai at gmail.com
Tue Apr 7 08:54:18 PDT 2009

2009/4/7 Leslie Jensen <leslie at eskk.nu>:
> I used to use csup and in my /root/ports-supfile I changed the default host
> line to a server near me.
> *default host=cvsup.se.FreeBSD.org
> Now I've been using portsnap for a while and when installing a new system I
> got to question if portsnap look in this file for an update server or does
> portsnap need to be configured somewhere else?



# Server or server pool from which to fetch updates.  You can change
# this to point at a specific server if you want, but in most cases
# using a "nearby" server won't provide a measurable improvement in
# performance.


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