High Performance Computing Mini-Cluster

Gerardo Paredes gerardon_paredes at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 20 08:46:09 PDT 2008

Hello, i am interested in setting up a small cluster, of about 5 machines to show how this can work on a university environment. Its kind of a pitch to university authorities to show them how this work so they can think on investing top dollars on it.  We have a bunch of workstations running FreeBSD, However as i been reading through the documentation, the canonical situacion would be a environment where the machines netboot over the server, get most of their partitions over NFS and have NIS installed so users can authenticate at the server and share resources available at the cluster. 

My question is, it is possible to just install SGE, grid Mathematica (or maybe MPI, open-MPI, a custom application), share the home directory over NFS, copy some ssh keys to the other nodes and run them like a cluster?. Please someone with more experience on this kind of install help me with a series of steps designed on how to get this running.

Gerardo Paredes

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