Anybody familiar with "publib"??

Dan Nelson dnelson at
Sat Nov 29 17:04:53 PST 2008

In the last episode (Nov 29), Gary Kline said:
> I found a neat function in publib that should do what I want, but
> adding either
> #imclude <publib.h>  // as per man publib
> OR
> #include "/usr/local/include/publib.h"
> fails.  Yes, I am adding "-lpub" to the enc of gcc.  Still bombs. 
> Anybody know why?  Prev'ly when I've used the publib functions, I've
> had to move/copy a slew of them into my private build.  Be nice if
> this just-worked!

Try adding "-I /usr/local/include" to your compile line, and 
"-L /usr/local/lib" to your link line.  Also, providing the error
message instead of just saying "it fails" is helpful.

	Dan Nelson
	dnelson at

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