Unix program that sends email directly using MX record

Dan dan-freebsd-questions at ourbrains.org
Sat Nov 29 09:04:13 PST 2008

Peter Boosten(peter at boosten.org)@2008.11.29 17:34:28 +0100:
>> It's not prejudicial. I do not wish to start yet another MTA flamewar,
>> but you can't deny Sendmail's poor security, design, performance, and
>> complex configuration. The poor security history is there, the poor
>> funnel design and conf files that require a scripting language are
>> obviously ugly.
> Yeah, in 1845 it was. Sendmail is as secure as any other mta. And using 

Simply not true. Sendmail has had TONS of remote vulnerabilities. Many
people have fallen victims to exploits and had their servers rooted.

The recent one is of 20006.

qmail has never had a remote root vulnerability or a similar flaw
because it's designed with security in mind. Sendmail never was.

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