FreeBSD and hardware??

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at
Tue Nov 18 03:23:30 PST 2008

> I have read briefly on FreeBSD and it seems to be the winner on speed and
> stability versus Linux and of course MS Windows.

versus linux - of course, versus windows - it's different OS, we should 
define how do you compare. for example running windows apps under FreeBSD 
with wine will probably be slower than under windows.

As your laptop was probably sold with windows, request it's 
manufacturer/reseller to fix the problems or give it back, and buy another 
better supported.

> Anyway, how about you plus Google cash, and others (?), putting a simple
> easy partition of MS hard  disks and FreeBSD install with a nice GUI. And
> getting Google to distribute it to the World. My question is, how much

once again i repeat - FreeBSD is not windows replacement. it's unix.
All "nice GUI" for unices turned to be bad idea, every windows user will 
say it's poor compared to windows. and they are right.

it will be very nice if someone/some company produce true windows 
compatible OS, running windows programs, windows installers, but being 
much better and faster.

of course - they could reuse lots of FreeBSD code, like device drivers for 
example and graphics modules from Xorg.

FreeBSD is very good in hardware support now, with most of drivers being 
very stable and high performance.

for now there is no such thing, except ReactOS which is in early alpha 

> hardware can you produce drivers for. Presumbably Apple Mac OSX have most of
> the hardware drivers, so can you??

Mac OSX reused lots of unix code, mostly FreeBSD AFAIK, + everything by 
it's own.

it could be seen as a competitor for M$ Windows, if it's better or not i 
don't know, i don't use both.

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