How to upgrade to KDE4

af300wsm at af300wsm at
Wed Nov 5 06:52:06 PST 2008


I'm using FreeBSD 6.2-p11 (yes, I've got to update). A couple days ago I  
updated my ports tree and went to update kde 3.5.6. At first I did a  
portupgrade on the KDE meta-port but, ironically, the only thing that  
updated was the meta-port (I did a portupgrade -r too). I should also say  
that I first looked in /usr/ports/UPDATING and there weren't any particular  
instructions (that I could find) for updating KDE. I opened the file in vim  
and searched for "kde" and "KDE." On both searches, nothing regarding the  
specific update of 3.5.x to 4.x was mentioned.

I'm having some problems updating the kdebase package now (since the  
meta-port didn't update the whole thing, I'm updating individually to  
3.5.10). It's having some compile time issues, something about an  
identifier not existing in a particular namespace or some-such error, I've  
got to look into it further. However, since I'm going through this  
loathsome process anyway, would it be advisable to just do a "deinstall" of  
the kde system and cd to /usr/ports/x11/kde (I think that's where it is)  
and install 4.x (if that's even how to do it)? I would really prefer to run  

Thanks for any help,

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