GDM login without using a password

Craig Butler craig001 at
Tue Nov 4 06:16:38 PST 2008

On Tue, 2008-11-04 at 16:02 +0200, Roey Dror wrote:
> I've searched around the internet for a way to allow a user to login
> into GDM without using a password.
> I know that GDM has an automatic login feature, but that's not what I'm looking.
> I really do not wish to create a user with an empty password, in order
> not to compromise the entire system security.
> I found a mini-HOWTO which suggests using the pam_filelist module.
> Unfortunately, I couldn't find this module in the ports system.
> Is there any other way to allow this user to login without using a
> password only using GDM?

AFAIK the automatic login feature allows you to nominate a user to
automatically log in as... it doesn't ask for the password but I think
one can be set (so it doesn't need to be empty).  Automatic login is a
security risk in its self, the cracker is already one step closer.

It is all controlled through gdmsetup.


Craig B

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