ntpd - I'm sure I'm setting it up wrong, but I can't figure out how.

Jon Radel jon at radel.com
Mon May 26 19:54:47 UTC 2008

Jim Stapleton wrote:
> On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 2:02 PM, Chuck Swiger <cswiger at mac.com> wrote:
>> On May 26, 2008, at 10:02 AM, Jim Stapleton wrote:
>>> I'm trying to run ntpd to auto-update my computer's time (since I'm
>>> not supposed to use ntpdate).
>>> /etc/ntp.conf (I've tried without the restrict line):
>>> ========================================
>>> server sushi.lyon.edu
>>> restrict default ignore
>>> driftfile /var/db/ntp.drift
>>> ========================================
>> Your configuration is blocking all NTP traffic and commands, even from
>> localhost.  See:
> Thanks, that fixed the issue.

I was also going to point out that I don't believe that the -f option 
does you much good unless, at some point, you've run ntpd as a daemon 
for a minimum of several hours or have otherwise put a decent drift 
value for your specific hardware into the file you reference.  If you 
care about accurate time, you may wish to just go ahead and run ntpd the 
"normal" way with a bunch of servers; an earlier reply gave you what to 
put into into /etc/rc.conf.

If so, I'd suggest

restrict default nomodify notrap nopeer
restrict -6 default nomodify notrap nopeer

where the 2nd line is a really good idea if you've got any ipv6 at all, 
instead of just removing the restrict line entirely.  This will block 
the worst abuse.  (Yes, the 1st line has no effect on what ntpd does 
with packets that arrive via ipv6 and, if I had to guess, I'd say there 
are an awful lot of FreeBSD servers out there that can have their ntpd 
"twiddled" from the local network. ;-)

--Jon Radel
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