/usr/src/Makefile instructions

KAYVEN RIESE kayve at sfsu.edu
Sat May 24 01:57:29 UTC 2008

On Fri, 23 May 2008, soralx at cydem.org wrote:

>> On that note, was I given misinformation when I was advised
>> that it would be impossible to upgrade RELENG_6_2 directly to
>> RELENG_7 ?
> Close to implausible, perhaps? That would indeed be the case, unless you
> truly are longing for a major workout, either with mergemaster et al, or
> both with mergemaster and the ports. The former case, which assumes you
> don't have many ports installed, is often a no-brainer: install a fresh
> system. The latter case may be somewhat more complicated: install a fresh
> system for the least effort on your side, or go the update route if you need
> to keep your system up and usable during the process.

I didn't really understand that and I don't understand why I am a bad
person for spamming my idiotic thoughts on the matter, but in any case
this is moot because I am up an runing RELENG_6_3 and making kernel
after editing the stable-supfiles RELENG_6_3 to RELENG_7 let's all
cross our fingers that communication has just happened.

> I should note that I always took the update trail, and never regretted it
> afterwards (well, if only so slightly). For instance, my workstation lived
> through 5.2.1-R, 6.2-R, RELENG_6, and finally RELENG_7, all with the aid of
> cvsup. The process is straightforward, well-designed and easily executed
> (thanks to the developers), but problems often pop-up with ports
> (especially such messy ones as Gnome, etc) which take lots of time to
> correct.

I am feeling better about cvsup and even mergemaster nowadays. Thank
you very much for your support.

> So, in summary, a sane person should probably go with clean system update.

Is that what I am doing? Umm.. maybe not.  I have all these errors that
I don't understand and that people ignore but I have a browser and
a terminal, so I feel like a functioning pile of carbon compounds.

> P.S.: whoever replies next, it's safe to drop hackers@ from CC: anytime now

Naaaaah.. hackers needs the publicity!

>>    Kayven Riese, BSCS, MS (Physiology and Biophysics)
> [SorAlx]  ridin' VS1400

   Kayven Riese, BSCS, MS (Physiology and Biophysics)
   (415) 902 5513 cellular
   Webmaster http://ChessYoga.org

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