OpenOffice 2.3

Mike Clarke jmc-freebsd at
Thu Mar 27 15:51:08 PDT 2008

On Thursday 27 March 2008, Nikola Lečić wrote:

> According to what can be read on the page I sent with my previous
> mail, it seems to be a GTK-related issue. I confirm that all 7-stable
> OpenOffice packages (including 2.3.1_1) work perfectly on my plain
> 7.0-RELEASE/i386 install, but with *up-to-date* ports, not with
> precompiled packages shipped as a part of the release. So,
> 1) Update your ports, and don't forget ports/UPDATING;
> 2) Try OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP=gnome if you're using KDE.

Unfortunately building OpenOffice from ports on my underpowered Duron 
1600 system isn't an option until I treat myself to a hardware upgrade. 
My ports are up to date, but upgraded with portupgrade -P to use 
packages where possible. I did once try to build OpenOffice from ports 
last year on my 6.3 system but it came up with a compile error after 
about 3 days continuous compiling so I fell back to using a package 
instead - that version (2.3.1) is still running fine on 6.3. Looks like 
I need to keep my dual boot 6.3 / 7.0 setup for a while longer yet.

I note that the discussion on  
suggests that the problem is amd64 specific but this doesn't appear to 
be the case - I'm running an i386 system.

Mike Clarke

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