7.0-RELEASE && panic after ~4 hours

Matthias Apitz matthias.apitz at oclc.org
Wed Mar 26 05:43:28 PDT 2008


Over the longs last weekend I've installed FreeBSD 7.0-REL on my laptop
and around 200 ports; I point this out to say that the laptop run
without any reboot from Friday morning to Monday evening at home in my
WEP based Wifi-zone;

on Thursday and today I'm working in my office from around 9 o'clock and
each day after 4 hours the system panic'ed:

Mar 25 09:02:43 rebelion syslogd: kernel boot file is /boot/kernel/kernel
Mar 25 13:00:03 rebelion savecore: reboot after panic: clist reservation botch
Mar 26 09:11:04 rebelion syslogd: kernel boot file is /boot/kernel/kernel
Mar 26 13:22:29 rebelion savecore: reboot after panic: page fault

the main difference between home and work is: WEP at home and WPA2 at

as well I see in messages a lot of:

Mar 26 08:24:51 rebelion kernel: iwi0: firmware stuck in state 4, resetting
Mar 26 08:25:01 rebelion kernel: iwi0: firmware stuck in state 4, resetting
Mar 26 08:25:11 rebelion kernel: iwi0: firmware stuck in state 4, resetting
Mar 26 08:25:20 rebelion kernel: iwi0: firmware stuck in state 4, resetting
Mar 26 08:25:31 rebelion kernel: iwi0: firmware stuck in state 4, resetting
Mar 26 08:25:40 rebelion kernel: iwi0: firmware stuck in state 4, resetting
Mar 26 08:42:05 rebelion kernel: iwi0: firmware stuck in state 4, resetting
Mar 26 09:48:58 rebelion kernel: iwi0: firmware stuck in state 4, resetting
Mar 26 10:54:08 rebelion kernel: iwi0: firmware stuck in state 4, resetting
Mar 26 12:04:13 rebelion kernel: iwi0: firmware stuck in state 4, resetting
Mar 26 12:21:17 rebelion kernel: iwi0: firmware stuck in state 4, resetting
Mar 26 12:37:43 rebelion kernel: iwi0: firmware stuck in state 4, resetting
Mar 26 12:54:17 rebelion kernel: iwi0: firmware stuck in state 4, resetting

Before I was for more than a year on 6.2-REL and without any panic which
was not caused by pulling out the PCMCIA UMTS card; so I think it is not
a hardware issue;

Any comments?

Matthias Apitz
Manager Technical Support - OCLC GmbH
Gruenwalder Weg 28g - 82041 Oberhaching - Germany
t +49-89-61308 351 - f +49-89-61308 399 - m +49-170-4527211
e <matthias.apitz at oclc.org> - w http://www.oclc.org/ http://www.UnixArea.de/
b http://gurucubano.blogspot.com/
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