CPU temp's on core 2 duo, should they be significantly different?

George Hartzell hartzell at alerce.com
Mon Jun 23 19:06:22 UTC 2008

DA Forsyth recently mentioned the coretemp driver, which fetches the
core temperatures for Core 2 Duo chips.

I'm in the middle of building up a Shuttle SG31G2 (7-STABLE) and
loaded the driver to see what it told me.

I've noticed that cpu.0 is consistently hotter than cpu.1, even on an
unloaded machine.  Is that because that core's doing housekeeping work
whilst the other is truly idle?

dev.cpu.0.temperature: 44
dev.cpu.1.temperature: 29

If I background a pair of "dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/null" so that
the cpu's are busy, both go up but cpu.0 stays hotter.

I'm asking because I'm worried that this could be a sign that I didn't
get the heatsink goop spread out sufficiently well....



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