LDAP Authentication questions...

Eric F Crist ecrist at secure-computing.net
Wed Jun 18 19:35:14 UTC 2008

Hello folks,

First, please reply-all to this message as I'm not on the list.

I'm trying to configure a bunch of FreeBSD 6.x and 7.x servers for  
authentication via LDAP.  I've got LDAP setup with user accounts, I've  
got replication configured on the LDAP servers, and I have pam_ldap  
and nss_ldap installed, configured, and working.

The last hurdle I'm trying to leap is server failover.  I have the  
following line in my /usr/local/etc/ldap.conf file:

uri ldap://ldap.example.com ldap://ldap2.example.com

If I finger <ldap_user> with both servers running, I get a response  
with that user's information.  If I switch around the order of the two  
ldap servers, I get a response (for a different username to avoid the  
caching).  My problem lies with failing the first server in the list.   
In this case, I'm simply stopping the slapd process.  finger  
<ldap_user> hangs forever and authentications all timeout for ldap- 
configured services like ssh.  Now, shouldn't it eventually fail over  
to my secondary LDAP server?  I've even tried adding timelimit 10 to  
the ldap.conf file to set a timeout, to no avail.

Eric F Crist
Secure Computing Networks

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