Testing RAM

Zane C.B. v.velox at vvelox.net
Sat Jun 14 22:08:52 UTC 2008

On Sat, 14 Jun 2008 09:45:20 -0500
Ryan Coleman <ryan.coleman at cwis.biz> wrote:

> How would I go about slamming the RAM in testing? I was figuring
> I'd drop from 4GB to 1GB and just push the board with the same cp
> -rvn commands I've been running in an attempt to populate my 7TB
> RAID5.
> Also, am I using the wrong FS for the RAID? I partitioned it with
> gpt (1 large slice) and formatted it with newfs but is there
> another way? A better way? I read about ZFS recently but I am sure
> the speed of reading from a RAID5 is lost with it's redundancies.

For something that large, ZFS would be my choice.

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