csup freezes on updating src to upgrade 6.2 to 6.3 or 7.0

Iv Ray pobox at verysmall.org
Mon Jun 9 10:12:39 UTC 2008

Hello all,

I have the following configuration -

FreeBSD 6.2 (minimal install)
Running in VMware 6.x
Windows VISTA BUSINESS 64-bit guest (core duo 3 GHz, 4 GB RAM)

supfile-stable is edited just with the domain (cvs.at) and the version 
(6_3 or 7_0).

csup with this supfile runs for some time, then the virtual machine 
freezes and the host shows 100% CPU use. After restarting the 6.2 host 
2-3 times and csup again, eventually csup completes.

Could somebody advice me what might be going wrong?

Thank you,


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