Monitoring CPU temperature: mbmon shows 201 degrees C

Achilleas Mantzios achill at
Tue Jul 29 06:25:04 UTC 2008

Just to summarize (after 5.5 days of uptime), i'd like to recap on what happened next.
I burned the SiS 651 based motherboard, while memtesting, and i replaced it with 
a new Asrock, Intel 82865G based motherboard.
All run fine, no panics, no unexpected segfaults.
It seems that the old SiS was fine until i fitted the kodicom4400 on the PCI bus, 
when all the problems started.
Now at idle i can get CPU temps as low as 35 deg Celsious, altho it turned out that was not my problem
in the first place.

Thank you all for your help.
Manoli Euxaristw!
Achilleas Mantzios

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