Why would it make such a difference to move mysqld to another machine?

John Almberg jalmberg at identry.com
Sun Jul 6 21:10:47 UTC 2008

> Since MySQL is clearly the bottleneck of the sites, I'd investigate  
> why in the
> world apache2 needs >150M per process.

Now that was a darn good question.

I ran httpd -M and got a list of 60 loaded modules... duh.

I said before I'm just a beginner Admin. I'm learning a lot, but some  
of these basic things, I just haven't run into, yet. Obviously,  
Apache 2 gets loaded with a whole bunch of default modules? I didn't  
realize that, before.

Okay... I need to figure out which ones I really need. Thanks for  
push in the right direction...

-- John

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