bind: Can't assign requested address using ssh (or anything else) -- resolution

perlcat perlcat at
Tue Jan 22 08:08:32 PST 2008

> > $ ssh -X -N -L tyson at xx.xx.xx.xx
> > tyson at xx.xx.xx.xx's password:
> > bind: Can't assign requested address
> > channel_setup_fwd_listener: cannot listen to port: 13390
> > Could not request local forwarding.
> Ofcourse it fails, you are trying to bind to address,
> however there is no such address assigned to a local network
> interface. Either:
> 	You don't explain what this is.

This does it.
> 2) ifconfig lo0 add 127.3/32

Thanks for responding!

The vpn software I need to use requires me to configure and bind a VPN  
connection from 127.0.0.x:port to the loopback. It is a handy way of grabbing 
an entirely unique IP that doesn't collide with whatever network you're on. 
Of course, it probably isn't the best idea if a bunch of different apps start 
to pull stuff like this -- but I wasn't the brainiac that came up with this 
idea. Anyway, it seems to be a fairly common way of doing this, so I'm 
explaining in detail to benefit future searches.

Some methods (SSH) allow me to manually select the IP/port, so for my example 
I use it. Others (Juniper Networks) just go and pick the IP for me, and can 
assign any number of connections depending upon configuration. In a Windows 
world, since there're no controls and stupid things are allowed to happen, 
the IP address/port assignment is done on the fly, and you then have to view 
the active VPN connections to figure out what IP address/port are in use. 
With a real OS, privileged things like this need to be done by a privileged 
user before the client can assign to it.

Since they don't change without human intervention (the number is permanent 
based upon the order they load -- 127.2, 127.3, etc.) and are assigned in a 
logical fashion, I should be able to bind the new addresses that it will use 
to lo0 and it should Just Work. And it does. tsclient can now load and get me 
onto the Windows Server I need to control. It's a hollow victory -- I feel so 
*dirty* when I work with Windows, but I have to if I want to get paid...

The Juniper Network client info:
=======setup information========
RDP Direct option:
Remote Server: <WINS server name>
Client Port: 33890
Server Port: 3389

Restarted the Secure 
Application manager.

=========error info===========
In the Secure Application Manager Window, when I click on the Details Tab.
I see the application I added with an error: cannot bind to the port 33890.

========after ifconfig==========
Now it works.

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