ipsec with dynamic ip clients

Eric Masson emss at free.fr
Sun Jan 6 07:23:17 PST 2008

Norman Maurer <norman at apache.org> writes:


> Now I want to setup some config which allow some people to connection
> via ipsec client to this ipsec router. They have a dynamic ip so I think
> a certificate is the way to go. But im not sure how i need to setup the
> gif interface because the ip address will change probally.
> So any idea ? I couldn't find any docu :-/


Take a look at vpn gateway configuration in the doc.

 GA> Je propose donc pour le vote :le déplacement de tous les groupes
 GA> avec renommage de fcol.moderated en fcol.modere
 Mes nommages madame.
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