Mirroring / Cloning FreeBSD System

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at wojtek.tensor.gdynia.pl
Wed Feb 27 23:40:49 UTC 2008

>> This environment will have two identical / separate
>> systems referred to as “System A” and “System B”
>> -	I want to install FreeBSD on to “System A”
>> -	Once that installation is complete with selected
>> ports and custom applications, I want to make an exact
>> duplicate of “System A” on “System B”
>> I don’t want to do this with drives in the same
>> system, rather I would like to “clone” “System A”

run liveCD on system B, make partitions as you like, newfs, mount as 
needed under say /mnt (like /mnt, /mnt/usr etc), set up network and do

cd /mnt
rsh -l root IP_of_systemA "tar --one-file-system -cf - / /usr /othermountpoint /anothermointpoint"|tar xpf -
cd /
umount /mnt

make sure you did

bsdlabel -B yourfirstdrive

on systema activate rshd and add ip of systemb to .rhosts in /root, at 
least temporarily.

keep machines in sync with rsync, prepare your rsync script, exclude list 
etc etc.

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