Basic Tulip questions

Kelly Jones kelly.terry.jones at
Wed Dec 3 06:04:38 PST 2008

I just installed Tulip on my FreeBSD server. The server has X11
installed, but isn't running it. I asked the questions below to the
Tulip list (auber-users at earlier, but got no
reply, so I was hoping someone here was familiar w/ it and could help

Does Tulip have a command-line mode?

Can Tulip recognize graphviz-generated graph files such as those
attached? I couldn't find a way to load these into Tulip?

My experience has been w/ graphviz, and my goal is to create planar
graphs from various data sources.

Graphviz does this, but the resulting graphs tend to (ironically) have
both overlapping nodes (boxes too close to each other) AND excessive
space between nodes (the graphs could be a lot more compact). In some
cases, graphviz creates unnecessarily huge (eg, 32768x32768) GIF files
for fairly simple graphs.

I'm hoping Tulip will automatically draw fairly nice graphs + have
options that let me make them look even nicer, ideally from the

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digraph x {
edge [fontsize=10,fontcolor=red,arrowhead=open];
node [shape=polygon,fontsize=10,fontcolor=blue];
large_brass_bed [label="large brass bed\n(sheets, pillow)"];
large_brass_bed -> bedroom [label="get up"];
bedroom [label=" bedroom\n(window, bed)"];
bedroom -> ledge_outside_window [label="go window"];
ledge_outside_window [label="ledge outside window\n(flag pole)"];
ledge_outside_window -> bedroom [label="go window"];
bedroom [label="bedroom"];
bedroom -> hall [label="n"];
hall [label="hall"];
hall -> bathroom [label="n"];
bathroom [label="bathroom\n(mirror, watch, toilet)"];
bathroom -> hall [label="s"];
hall [label="hall"];
hall -> outside_castle [label="e"];
outside_castle [label="outside castle\n(coat-of-arms, bell pull)"];
outside_castle -> meandering_path [label="e"];
meandering_path [label="meandering path\n(castle, fence/gate, crowd)"];
meandering_path -> GAME_END [label="go gate"];
GAME_END [label="GAME END"];
hall [label="hall"];
hall -> kitchen [label="w"];
kitchen [label="kitchen\n(oven, DW)"];
kitchen -> DW_kitchen [label="go dumb"];
DW_kitchen [label="DW (kitchen)"];
DW_kitchen -> DW_pantry [label="raise dumbwaiter"];
DW_pantry [label="DW (pantry)"];
DW_pantry -> pantry [label="go room"];
pantry [label="pantry\n(matches, garlic, DW)"];
DW_kitchen [label="DW (kitchen)"];
DW_kitchen -> DW_workroom [label="lower dumbwaiter"];
DW_workroom [label="DW (workroom)"];
DW_workroom -> workroom [label="go room"];
workroom [label="workroom\n(door, mallet, DW, vent, memo)"];
workroom -> dungeon [label="d"];
dungeon [label="dungeon\n(pit, iron rings)"];
dungeon -> pit [label="go pit"];
pit [label="pit\n(torch)"];
workroom [label="workroom"];
workroom -> closet [label="go door"];
closet [label="closet\n(vial, dust, no-doz)"];
closet -> workroom [label="w"];
workroom [label="workroom"];
kitchen [label="kitchen"];
kitchen -> giant_solar_oven [label="go oven"];
giant_solar_oven [label="giant solar oven\n(nail file, lens)"];
giant_solar_oven -> kitchen [label="w"];
kitchen [label="kitchen"];
ledge_outside_window [label="ledge outside window"];
ledge_outside_window -> hanging_on_sheet [label="climb sheet"];
hanging_on_sheet [label="hanging on sheet"];
hanging_on_sheet -> flower_box [label=" go window"];
flower_box [label="flower box\n(daisies)"];
flower_box -> doorless_room [label="go window"];
doorless_room [label="doorless room\n(portrait, window)"];
doorless_room -> flower_box [label=" go window"];
flower_box [label=" flower box"];
flower_box -> hanging_on_sheet [label=" climb sheet"];
hanging_on_sheet [label=" hanging on sheet"];
hanging_on_sheet -> ledge_outside_window [label=" climb sheet"];
ledge_outside_window [label=" ledge outside window"];
doorless_room [label="doorless room"];
doorless_room -> dark_passage [label="go passage"];
dark_passage [label="dark passage"];
dark_passage -> crypt [label="n"];
crypt [label="crypt\n(cigarettes, vent, sign, coffin)"];
crypt -> large_coffin [label=" go coffin"];
large_coffin [label="large coffin\n(slide bolt)"];
large_coffin -> crypt [label="u"];
crypt [label="crypt"];
crypt -> dark_passage [label="s"];
dark_passage [label="dark passage"];
dark_passage -> doorless_room [label="s"];
doorless_room [label="doorless room"];

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