might be OT, sorry.

Gary Kline kline at thought.org
Fri Aug 29 02:08:23 UTC 2008

I have searched the OO website and read the manual with OO [2.4.0], 
but have not been able to find this one.  Can anyone tell me how to
replace 4 underscores "____" with 4 "Section" characters?  In HTML;
the section symbols are printed by typing "§" .... Yes, it is that

I can locate the ____ that separate my meditative Jottings [or 
aphorisms]--thanks, Matthew, that's what they really are. [1]  But I
can't figure out how to substitute the 4 ____ for 4 S-like symbols.
Anybody onlist have any URL that will show me how to make this subs,
please write me offlist.

And yes, I have tried using the table of non-ASCII characters; that may
work for a byte at a time, but not for global substitituions.  At least
I haven't found the magic keystrokes.

tia, people,


[1]. (Altho if Marcus Aurelius' thoughts can be called his "Meditations", 
      then why not my *non*-poetry?)

 Gary Kline  kline at thought.org  http://www.thought.org  Public Service Unix
        http://jottings.thought.org   http://transfinite.thought.org

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