Changing 'From:' address of periodic scripts

Jonathan Belson jon at
Thu Aug 28 13:54:29 UTC 2008

Matthew Seaman wrote:
> Jonathan Belson wrote:
> | | OK, thanks.  After playing with MASQUERADE_AS(), MASQUERADE_DOMAIN() 
> | plus a few FEATURES(), I've managed to change the 'From:' address for 
> | e-mails sent via the command line.  Unfortunately, e-mails sent via 
> the | cron-ed periodic scripts still don't get through, although if I 
> run e.g. | 'periodic daily' from the command line, the mail does reach me.
> | | The only difference I can think of is that cron runs the scripts as 
> | root.  Could this cause the difference?
> Yes.  root is specifically exempted from all the masquerading stuff.
> There's an EXPOSED_USER macro you can use in $(hostname).mc to control
> that.

Ah, that explains it.  There doesn't seem to be a way to remove exposed users, 
but there is a web page explaining how to stop 'root' being added as a default 
exposed user:

Instead of doing this, I've told periodic.conf to send its output to my local 
account on the server, and added a .forward file to pass the e-mail to my 'real' 
address.  Hopefully this will play nicely with sendmail's masquerading.



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