Proxying broadcasts?

Chuck Swiger cswiger at
Wed Aug 27 22:20:46 UTC 2008

On Aug 27, 2008, at 2:47 PM, Nejc Škoberne wrote:
[ ... ]  Or, you could set up Sybase's
> I also have some Sybase SQL servers on SERVERS network, which use  
> broadcasts to announce
> themselves to the network. Before, when there were no separate  
> segments, everything worked fine
> of course.
> My question: is there any way to "proxy" (forward) broadcast  
> requests from USERS1 to the
> SERVERS network? So the users in USERS* networks could find Sybase  
> SQL servers via broadcasts?

The simple answer is no: if you want subnet-local broadcast traffic to  
be received, then your DB servers and your clients need to be on the  
same subnet.  Routers are designed and required to not propagate  
broadcast traffic, although you could switch to doing bridging rather  
than routing.  Or, you could set up Sybase's SQL.INI to list all of  
the databases you care about, if I recall correctly...


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