PF traffic management on two devices + VPN

assetburned freebsd at
Fri Aug 22 18:10:32 UTC 2008


I use PF to manage the traffic going through a VPN connection (ng0 to  
ng1). I am also able to manage the traffic on the device where I  
expect the VPN traffic (ed1 and ed2).
But now my problems starts I also want to manage the outgoing traffic  
on ed0 to the WAN side.

On my router s Squid installed, so I thought that all packages  
generated by my FreeBSD machine could be put into a queue for ed0.
If i check the settings with pftop than everything looks fine. But it  
looks like the limits for the upper limit are totally ignored.

So I did a check from the other side. I installed an Apache on that  
server and tried to download a file from that server. And hey there is  
my bandwidth management.

So I am confused. How can I handle the traffic generated by the squid  
on the router on the WAN interface?

cu assetburned

---- my pf.config ----

# Version 2008-08-22-014
# based on
# manual at:

### some basics ###
# following line is onlz possible if the two variables are defined  
before these line!
# IntIF = "{" $IntIF1 $IntIF2 "}"
# following line is not possible. there have to be at least two  
# ExtIF = "{" $ExtIF1 "}"
# following line is not possible because there would be {something  
{something, something}}
# Whatever = "{" $ExtIF1 $IntIF "}"

##### Interfaces #####

  ExtIF1       = "ed0"    # this is the WAN connection
  IntIF1       = "ed1"    # this is the real connection to all  
  IntIF2       = "ed2"    # this is the real connection to all  
  LocIF        = "lo0"
  ExtIF        = "ed0"
  IntIF        = "{" $IntIF1 $IntIF2 "}"
  VPNIF0       = "ng0"
  VPNIF1       = "ng1"

# keep in mind this is only usable for nat and rdr and not for the  
pass rules because of the different queues!
  VPNIF        = "{" $VPNIF0 $VPNIF1 "}"

##### Speeds ####
### Interface ###

  E1_speed     = "1Mb"
  IntIF1_speed = "10Mb"
  IntIF2_speed = "10Mb"
  VPN_speed    = "3Mb"

### Protocol ###
  VPN_green    = "1Mb"
  VPN_yello    = "512Kb"
  VPN_red      = "256Kb"

##### Hosts #####
# for the case there are internel servers
  H_squid      = ""
  H_sshd       = ""
  H_vpnd       = ""
  H_apache     = ""
  H_apacheV    = ""      # the proxy where the PAC file is  
hosted inside the VPN
  H_mail       = ""     # have to check that, this is  
another lab computer!

# spechial LSBU server (green listed)
  H_LOVE_MA    = ""    # mail.
  H_LOVE_BB    = ""    #
  H_LOVE_EC    = ""   #
  H_LOVE_PB    = ""  #
  H_LOVE_WW    = ""  #
  H_LOVE_LB    = ""  #
  H_LOVE_LP    = ""  #
  H_LOVE_LR    = ""  #
  H_LOVE_DH    = "any"              # the DHCP server
  H_LOVE       = "{" $H_LOVE_MA $H_LOVE_BB $H_LOVE_EC $H_LOVE_PB  

#### Protocols ####
# Well known ports
  P_squid      = "3128"
  P_msproxy    = "8080"
  P_proxy      = "{" $P_squid $P_msproxy "}"
  P_http       = "80"
  P_https      = "443"
  P_brows      = "{" $P_http $P_https "}"
  P_pop3       = "110"
  P_pop3s      = "995"
  P_imaps      = "993"
  P_imap       = "143"
  P_smtp       = "25"
  P_smtps      = "465"
  P_mail       = "{" $P_pop3 $P_pop3s $P_imaps $P_imap $P_smtp  
$P_smtps "}"
  P_ssh        = "22"
  P_dns        = "53"
  P_vpnd       = "1723"
  P_samba      = "{ 137, 138, 139 }"

  ## Low Priority Squid ##
  P_LPS        = "31280"

#### Host & Port combinations ####
  HP_squid     = $H_squid  " port " $P_squid
  HP_LPS       = $H_squid  " port " $P_LPS
  HP_apache    = $H_apache " port " $P_http
  HP_apacheV   = $H_apacheV " port " $P_http
  HP_vpnd      = $H_vpnd   " port " $P_vpnd
  HP_mail      = $H_mail   " port {" $P_pop3 $P_pop3s $P_imaps $P_imap  
$P_smtp $P_smtps "}"

#### Networks ####
  N_ExtIF1     = ""
  N_IntIF1     = ""
  N_IntIF2     = ""
  N_VPN        = ""
# I don't know why it isn't possible to use the variables from above.
  N_intern     = "{ , }"

  N_priv1      = ""
  N_priv2      = ""
  N_priv3      = ""
  N_priv4      = ""
  N_privat     = "{ , , , }"

### States & Queues ###
  SynState     = "flags S/SAFR synproxy state"
  TcpState     = "flags S/SAFR modulate state"
  UdpState     = "keep state"

### Stateful Tracking Options ###
  ExtIfSTO     = "(max 9000, source-track rule, max-src-conn   2000,  
max-src-nodes 254)"
  IntIfSTO     = "(max 250,  source-track rule, max-src-conn   100,   
max-src-nodes 254, max-src-conn-rate 75/20)"

### Options ###
  set optimization aggressive
  set block-policy drop
  set ruleset-optimization basic

##### Normalization #####
# to hide what is going on in the LAN
# and to be sure that an optimum of payload is send by each packet.
  scrub log on $ExtIF all random-id min-ttl 254 max-mss 1452  
reassemble tcp fragment reassemble

#### queueing ####
# check for exampe:
# check for more: page 213ff
# check also :

## physical interfaces ##
  altq on $ExtIF1 bandwidth $E1_speed  hfsc(linkshare $E1_speed  
upperlimit $E1_speed) queue {E1_Imp, E1_LSB, E1_Ext, E1_def }
  queue E1_Imp        bandwidth 10%        qlimit 500 priority 9  
hfsc(                  linkshare  
10%                                     ) {E1_ICM, E1_DNS}
   queue E1_ICM       bandwidth  2%                   priority 8  
2%                                                        )
   queue E1_DNS       bandwidth  8%                   priority 8  
8%                                                        )
  queue E1_LSB        bandwidth 50%                   priority 8  
hfsc(                  linkshare  
50%                                     ) {E1_LSS, E1_PUB, E1_OTH}
   queue E1_LSS       bandwidth  5%        qlimit 500 priority 7  
5%                                                        ) {E1_SLO,  
    queue E1_SLO      bandwidth  1%                   priority 6 hfsc
    queue E1_SBU      bandwidth  4%                   priority 6 hfsc
   queue E1_PUB       bandwidth 30%        qlimit 500 priority 7  
30%                                                        ) {E1_PCO,  
    queue E1_PCO      bandwidth 10%                   priority 6 hfsc
    queue E1_PBU      bandwidth 20%                   priority 6 hfsc
   queue E1_OTH       bandwidth 15%        qlimit 500 priority 6  
15%                                                        ) {E1_OCO,  
    queue E1_OCO      bandwidth 10%                   priority 5 hfsc
    queue E1_OBU      bandwidth  5%                   priority 5 hfsc
  queue E1_Ext        bandwidth 35%                   priority 7  
hfsc(                  linkshare  
35%                                     ) {E1_GOO, E1_BAD}
   queue E1_GOO       bandwidth 30%        qlimit 500 priority 6  
30%                                                        ) {E1_GCO,  
    queue E1_GCO      bandwidth 10%                   priority 5 hfsc
    queue E1_GBU      bandwidth 20%                   priority 5 hfsc
   queue E1_BAD       bandwidth  5%                   priority 5  
5%                                                        ) {E1_BCO,  
    queue E1_BCO      bandwidth  2%                   priority 4 hfsc
    queue E1_BBU      bandwidth  3%                   priority 4 hfsc
  queue E1_def        bandwidth  5%                   priority 1  
hfsc(realtime  5%                           upperlimit 20%         

altq on $IntIF1 bandwidth $IntIF1_speed hfsc(linkshare $IntIF1_speed  
upperlimit $IntIF1_speed) queue {I1_VPN, I1_non, I1_def}
  queue I1_VPN        bandwidth 80%                   priority 9  
hfsc(                  linkshare  
80%                                     )
  queue I1_non        bandwidth 19%                   priority 5  
hfsc(                  linkshare  
18%                                     )
  queue I1_def        bandwidth  1%                   priority 1  
hfsc(realtime 1%       linkshare 2%                                
altq on $IntIF2 bandwidth $IntIF2_speed hfsc(linkshare $IntIF2_speed  
upperlimit $IntIF2_speed) queue {I2_VPN, I2_non, I2_def}
  queue I2_VPN        bandwidth 80%                   priority 9  
hfsc(                  linkshare  
80%                                     )
  queue I2_non        bandwidth 19%                   priority 5  
hfsc(                  linkshare  
18%                                     )
  queue I2_def        bandwidth  1%                   priority 1  
hfsc(realtime 1%       linkshare 2%                                

## vpn interfaces ##
altq on $VPNIF0 bandwidth $VPN_speed hfsc(linkshare $VPN_speed  
upperlimit $VPN_speed) queue {VPNIF0_green, VPNIF0_yello, VPNIF0_red}
  queue VPNIF0_green  bandwidth $VPN_green            priority 9  
hfsc(                  linkshare  
$VPN_green                              )
  queue VPNIF0_yello  bandwidth $VPN_yello            priority 5  
hfsc(                  linkshare  
$VPN_yello                              )
  queue VPNIF0_red    bandwidth $VPN_red              priority 1  
hfsc(realtime $VPN_red linkshare $VPN_red   upperlimit $VPN_red    
altq on $VPNIF1 bandwidth $VPN_speed hfsc(linkshare $VPN_speed  
upperlimit $VPN_speed) queue {VPNIF1_green, VPNIF1_yello, VPNIF1_red}
  queue VPNIF1_green  bandwidth $VPN_green            priority 9  
hfsc(                  linkshare  
$VPN_green                              )
  queue VPNIF1_yello  bandwidth $VPN_yello            priority 5  
hfsc(                  linkshare  
$VPN_yello                              )
  queue VPNIF1_red    bandwidth $VPN_red              priority 1  
hfsc(realtime $VPN_red linkshare $VPN_red   upperlimit $VPN_red    

##### Translation #####

## NAT ##
  nat on $ExtIF from $N_intern to $N_ExtIF1  port $P_dns   -> ($ExtIF1)
  nat on $ExtIF from $N_VPN    to $N_ExtIF1  port $P_brows -> ($ExtIF1)
  nat on $ExtIF from $N_VPN    to $H_mail/32 port $P_mail  -> ($ExtIF1)

## RDR ##
  no rdr on $LocIF from any to any

# all local traffic to proxies or webpages should be redirected to the  
local Apache
  rdr on $IntIF1 inet proto tcp from any to any port $P_brows ->  
$H_apache port 80
  rdr on $IntIF2 inet proto tcp from any to any port $P_brows ->  
$H_apache port 80
  rdr on $IntIF3 inet proto tcp from any to any port $P_brows ->  
$H_apache port 80
  rdr on $IntIF4 inet proto tcp from any to any port $P_brows ->  
$H_apache port 80

## first global blocking rules ##
# remember because there is no quick in this rule this rule can be  
overwritten! #
  block                on $ExtIF
  block                on $IntIF
  block                on $VPNIF

# block some bad ssh hacker #
  table <denyhosts> persist file "/var/db/denyhosts"
  block drop in  quick                            from  
<denyhosts>       to any

## do not send or recive LAN traffic on the WAN ##
  block      in  quick on $ExtIF1 inet            from  
any               to $N_privat
  block      in  quick on $ExtIF1 inet            from  
$N_privat         to any
  block      out quick on $ExtIF1 inet            from  
any               to $N_privat
  block      out quick on $ExtIF1 inet            from  
$N_privat         to any

# now let the blocking rules more precise #
# i know it is useless, but nice to see in the pftop and maybe  
somewhen this should be converted to pass rules #

## Samba is not allowed ##
  block      in                   inet proto tcp  from any port  
$P_samba to any
  block      in                   inet proto udp  from any port  
$P_samba to any
  block      out                  inet proto tcp  from  
any               to any             port $P_samba
  block      out                  inet proto udp  from  
any               to any             port $P_samba

## Pass rules for physical interfaces ##

# allow users without an VPN connection to see the VPN servers login  
  pass       in  quick on $IntIF1 inet proto tcp  from  
$IntIF1:network   to $HP_apache                         keep  
state          queue (I1_non, I1_VPN)
  pass       in  quick on $IntIF2 inet proto tcp  from  
$IntIF2:network   to $HP_apache                         keep  
state          queue (I2_non, I2_VPN)
  pass       in  quick on $IntIF3 inet proto tcp  from  
$IntIF3:network   to $HP_apache                         keep  
state          queue (I3_non, I3_VPN)
  pass       in  quick on $IntIF4 inet proto tcp  from  
$IntIF4:network   to $HP_apache                         keep  
state          queue (I4_non, I4_VPN)

# put the VPN traffic in it's own queue on the right interface
  pass       out quick on $IntIF1 inet proto gre  from  
$H_vpnd           to  
$IntIF1:network                                        queue  I1_VPN
  pass       out quick on $IntIF2 inet proto gre  from  
$H_vpnd           to  
$IntIF2:network                                        queue  I2_VPN
  pass       out quick on $IntIF3 inet proto gre  from  
$H_vpnd           to  
$IntIF3:network                                        queue  I3_VPN
  pass       out quick on $IntIF4 inet proto gre  from  
$H_vpnd           to  
$IntIF4:network                                        queue  I4_VPN

## Pass rules for VPN interfaces ##
  pass       in  quick on $VPNIF0 inet proto tcp  from  
($VPNIF0:peer)    to   
$HP_apacheV                                           queue   
  pass       in  quick on $VPNIF0 inet proto tcp  from  
($VPNIF0:peer)    to   
$HP_squid                                             queue   
  pass       in  quick on $VPNIF0 inet proto tcp  from  
($VPNIF0:peer)    to   
$HP_LPS                                               queue  
(VPNIF0_yello, VPNIF0_green)
  pass       in  quick on $VPNIF0 inet proto udp  from  
($VPNIF0:peer)    to any             port  
$P_dns                            queue  VPNIF0_green
  pass       in  quick on $VPNIF0 inet proto tcp  from  
($VPNIF0:peer)    to  $H_LOVE        port  
$P_brows                          queue  VPNIF0_green
  pass       in  quick on $VPNIF0 inet proto tcp  from  
($VPNIF0:peer)    to   
$HP_mail                                              queue  
(VPNIF0_yello, VPNIF0_green)
  pass       in  quick on $VPNIF0 inet proto tcp  from  
($VPNIF0:peer)    to  $N_ExtIF1      port  
$P_brows                          queue (VPNIF0_yello, VPNIF0_green)
  pass       in  quick on $VPNIF0 inet proto icmp from  
($VPNIF0:peer)    to  $N_ExtIF1      icmp-type 8 code  
0                     queue (VPNIF0_yello, VPNIF0_green)
  pass       out quick on $VPNIF0 inet proto icmp from  
any               to ($VPNIF0:peer)  icmp-type 8 code  
0                     queue (VPNIF0_yello, VPNIF0_green)

  pass       in  quick on $VPNIF1 inet proto tcp  from  
($VPNIF0:peer)    to   
$HP_apacheV                                           queue   
  pass       in  quick on $VPNIF1 inet proto tcp  from  
($VPNIF1:peer)    to   
$HP_squid                                             queue   
  pass       in  quick on $VPNIF1 inet proto tcp  from  
($VPNIF1:peer)    to   
$HP_LPS                                               queue  
(VPNIF1_yello, VPNIF1_green)
  pass       in  quick on $VPNIF1 inet proto udp  from  
($VPNIF1:peer)    to any             port  
$P_dns                            queue  VPNIF1_green
  pass       in  quick on $VPNIF1 inet proto tcp  from  
($VPNIF1:peer)    to  $H_LOVE        port  
$P_brows                          queue  VPNIF1_green
  pass       in  quick on $VPNIF1 inet proto tcp  from  
($VPNIF1:peer)    to   
$HP_mail                                              queue  
(VPNIF1_yello, VPNIF1_green)
  pass       in  quick on $VPNIF1 inet proto tcp  from  
($VPNIF1:peer)    to  $N_ExtIF1      port  
$P_brows                          queue (VPNIF1_yello, VPNIF1_green)
  pass       in  quick on $VPNIF1 inet proto icmp from  
($VPNIF1:peer)    to  $N_ExtIF1      icmp-type 8 code  
0                     queue (VPNIF1_yello, VPNIF1_green)
  pass       out quick on $VPNIF1 inet proto icmp from  
any               to ($VPNIF1:peer)  icmp-type 8 code  
0                     queue (VPNIF1_yello, VPNIF1_green)

  pass       in        on $ExtIF1 inet proto tcp  from   
$N_ExtIF1        to ($ExtIF1)                          $TcpState  
$ExtIfSTO queue (E1_OBU, E1_OCO)
  pass       in        on $ExtIF1 inet proto tcp  from   
$H_LOVE          to ($ExtIF1)       port $P_brows      $TcpState  
$ExtIfSTO queue (E1_PBU, E1_PCO)
  pass       in        on $ExtIF1 inet proto tcp  from   
$N_ExtIF1        to ($ExtIF1)       port $P_ssh        $TcpState  
$ExtIfSTO queue (E1_SLO, E1_SBU)
  pass       in        on $ExtIF1 inet proto udp  from   
$N_ExtIF1        to ($ExtIF1)       port $P_dns        $UdpState  
$ExtIfSTO queue  E1_DNS
  pass       in        on $ExtIF1 inet proto icmp from   
$N_ExtIF1        to ($ExtIF1)       icmp-type 8 code 0 $UdpState  
$ExtIfSTO queue  E1_ICM
  pass       in        on $ExtIF1 inet proto tcp  from ! 
$N_ExtIF1        to ($ExtIF1)                          $TcpState  
$ExtIfSTO queue (E1_BBU, E1_BCO)
  pass       in        on $ExtIF1 inet proto tcp  from ! 
$N_ExtIF1        to ($ExtIF1)       port $P_brows      $TcpState  
$ExtIfSTO queue (E1_GBU, E1_GCO)
  pass       in        on $ExtIF1 inet proto udp  from ! 
$N_ExtIF1        to ($ExtIF1)       port $P_dns        $UdpState  
$ExtIfSTO queue  E1_DNS
  pass       out       on $ExtIF1 inet proto tcp  from  
($ExtIF1)         to  $N_ExtIF1                         $TcpState  
$ExtIfSTO queue (E1_OBU, E1_OCO)
  pass       out       on $ExtIF1 inet proto tcp  from  
($ExtIF1)         to  $H_LOVE        port $P_brows      $TcpState  
$ExtIfSTO queue (E1_PBU, E1_PCO)
  pass       out       on $ExtIF1 inet proto tcp  from  
($ExtIF1)         to  $N_ExtIF1      port $P_ssh        $TcpState  
$ExtIfSTO queue (E1_SLO, E1_SBU)
  pass       out       on $ExtIF1 inet proto udp  from  
($ExtIF1)         to  $N_ExtIF1      port $P_dns        $UdpState  
$ExtIfSTO queue  E1_DNS
  pass       out       on $ExtIF1 inet proto icmp from  
($ExtIF1)         to  $N_ExtIF1      icmp-type 8 code 0 $UdpState  
$ExtIfSTO queue  E1_ICM
  pass       out       on $ExtIF1 inet proto tcp  from  
($ExtIF1)         to !$N_ExtIF1                         $TcpState  
$ExtIfSTO queue (E1_BBU, E1_BCO)
  pass       out       on $ExtIF1 inet proto tcp  from  
($ExtIF1)         to !$N_ExtIF1      port $P_brows      $TcpState  
$ExtIfSTO queue (E1_GBU, E1_GCO)
  pass       out       on $ExtIF1 inet proto udp  from  
($ExtIF1)         to !$N_ExtIF1      port $P_dns        $UdpState  
$ExtIfSTO queue  E1_DNS

# still to optimize

  pass in on $IntIF1 queue I1_non
  pass in on $IntIF2 queue I2_non
  pass in on $IntIF3 queue I3_non
  pass in on $IntIF4 queue I4_non
  pass in on lo0

  pass out on lo0
  pass out on $IntIF1 queue I1_non
  pass out on $IntIF2 queue I2_non
  pass out on $IntIF3 queue I3_non
  pass out on $IntIF4 queue I4_non
## EOF ##

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