Install port without man page

Mel fbsd.questions at
Tue Apr 15 18:50:23 UTC 2008

On Tuesday 15 April 2008 18:07:42 Ashant Chalasani wrote:

> Is there a way to install a port without the man-pages.  I'm trying to
> install a dhcp server onto a Tinybsd image and end up buying myself a
> bunch of files in /man, as seen at
> (hope the
> linking is not minded).

Read what you got in there:
Instead of using FORCE_PKG_REGISTER which will alter the currently installed 
ports on the build system and change their prefix so they can't be 
uninstalled properly with pkg_delete, you can set PKG_DBDIR to a different 
For example, all 'trash' that's part of the image build process, but not going 
to be in the image goes in /build. Image on /mnt, you'd do:

mkdir -p /build/var/db/pkg
mkdir /build/local
# saves you some work create all 'man*' directories and should you decide more 
# directories should be excluded, then you can do so
mtree -ude -f /etc/mtree/BSD.local.dist -p /build/local
mkdir /mnt/man
mount -t nullfs /build/local/man /mnt/man
cd /usr/ports/shells/bash
make PKG_DBDIR=/var/db/pkg PREFIX=/mnt install

Problem with today's modular software: they start with the modules
    and never get to the software part.

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