Install port without man page

Mel fbsd.questions at
Tue Apr 15 17:44:49 UTC 2008

On Tuesday 15 April 2008 19:32:03 Matthew Seaman wrote:
> Ashant Chalasani wrote:
> > Hello All,
> >
> > Is there a way to install a port without the man-pages.  I'm trying to
> > install a dhcp server onto a Tinybsd image and end up buying myself a
> > bunch of files in /man, as seen at
> > (hope the
> > linking is not minded).
> Ports should honour the NOPORTDOCS make variable and not install any
> documentation (including man pages).

I don't see evidence of that in /usr/ports/Mk/
Meaning, I don't see any location where MAN# variables are merged with 
PORTDOCS or where NOPORTDOCS interacts with MAN#.

As far as I can tell, if MAN# variables are set by the port, then they are 
compressed/uncompressed based on NOMANCOMPRESS. If imake is used to install 
manpages, then NO_INSTALL_MANPAGES is respected, because the port knows 
there's a fixed target to install manpages when using imake. Gmake/autotools 
ports include the man page install in the main install target in between 10 
or 20 fake targets to support the autotools experience and making it next to 
impossible to seperate installstages.

Problem with today's modular software: they start with the modules
    and never get to the software part.

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