File size discrepancies

Dan Nelson dnelson at
Fri Sep 28 13:15:29 PDT 2007

In the last episode (Sep 28), Modulok said:
> I have a file hierarchy of about 18GiB which was copied from a UFS 2
> file system one hard disk to a UFS 2 file system on a gmirror array.
> The size of the two hierarchies differ by 12 bytes according to du(1).
> No errors were reported by cp(1) during the copy operation.

du doesn't count in bytes; it counts in disk blocks or KB.  A 12KB
difference is probably just due to better packing of directories in
your newly-created tree as compared to your orignal one.  To figure out
where the difference is, run "du -a" in both trees and diff the two

	Dan Nelson
	dnelson at

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