Sharing application jail and host?

Philip Hallstrom freebsd at
Tue Sep 25 19:42:38 PDT 2007

> Hi freebsd gurus,
> I'm playing with jail setup and wanted to provide a virtual server to my
> external remote users to login by ssh and run a couple of applications.
> Do I need to install the application using the ports in the jail itself or
> can I just install the application in the host environment? Is there any
> methods to enable sharing of the application across the jail and host?
> Example, if I want to let jail to run pure-ftpd, do I need to install
> pure-ftpd in each of the jail that I will be creating?

You can share directories b/n the host and the jails using nullfs.  I do 
that to share /usr/ports.

If you're just starting out look into the ezjail package.  It makes life a 
*lot* simpler if you're going to be managing several jails.  It uses this 
trick to create a master jail such that future jails only take up about 
10mb (base install anyway).

Good stuff.

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