Hard drive RPM

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at wojtek.tensor.gdynia.pl
Thu Sep 20 14:28:49 PDT 2007

>> no. they use available space (in sectors) but counted in billions of bytes
>> instead of 2^30 bytes
> fair enough...but disk's useful capacity will be slightly
> different after you format it in whatever filesystem you choose with whatever
> options you choose to format.
but we are talking about disk capacity. filesystem is just kind of data on 
disk, you may access disk without it like my video stream server. actually 
only 1GB of each disk is allocated for filesystem (mirror+stripe on 8 
disks, giving 4GB for / partition), everything else simply contains 
movies, with catalog as file on / partition.

swap partitions are other example but they most often use only small part.

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