Which knobs do I use to control BDB use in MySQL-server port?

Aliya Harbouri aliyaharbouri at gmail.com
Wed Sep 19 20:53:59 PDT 2007

Hi Dan!

> > (1) Turn OFF use of BDB completely.  The build seems to default to the
> > bundled BDB
> Mysql 5.0's configure script doesn't seem to have a --without-bdb flag,
> so it always gets built.

> > (2) Use the Port install of BDB v46 I mentioned above.
> It does have a --with-berkeley-db=DIR flag, so you could add that to
> CONFIGURE_ARGS to force an external bdb to be used instead of the one
> bundled with mysql.  Note that the bdb engine has been removed from
> mysql 5.1, so you should think about moving any bdb tables you might
> already have to innodb.  Development on the bdb engine pretty much
> stopped once innodb was available.


So, If I'm going to use the Port & make changes anyway, since,

 grep berkeley-db Makefile
   CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-assembler --with-berkeley-db

I suppose I might as well just do

 vi Makefile

  .if ${ARCH} == "i386"
-  CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-assembler --with-berkeley-db
+  CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-assembler --without-berkeley-db

I know about the BDB-engine removal, too.  Funny that this Port
doesn't give you that option.

Thanks a lot!


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