
Predrag Punosevac punosevac at
Thu Sep 6 17:25:06 PDT 2007

I am a "former astronomer" turn hardcore mathematician but just by 
looking at the graphs it seems to me that you are trying to port 
something for which you could use existing software.
Even generic programs like SciLab of FreeMat can do it let alone 
graphics software.

My guess is that you would have to do the port by yourself. I am not 
saying I would not like to be in the ports, all I am saying is that if I 
do port my first priority would be powerdot class (replacing obsolete  
class prosper and far superior to bemmer in performance and in 
particularly in simplicity of use) of presentations for Latex which is 
unfortunately not in the port tree.
Predrag Punoseavac

Damon Blom wrote:
> Hi
>  s2plot from seems like quite an 
> interesting program and has
> linux, darwin and cygwin downloads. Would anyone from freebsd be 
> interested in adding it to
> ports?
>    Thank's
>         Damon
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