Procmail/processing question

Jack Barnett jackbarnett at
Tue Oct 30 21:59:41 PDT 2007

Procmail is working, but during a system upgrade I basically broke it 
for a bit.

While it was down, all the mail was being collected in /var/mail/[username]

Normally, it processes incoming mail and puts it in 
/home/[username]/Maildir/XYZ (this is what courier imap is using).

It is working and processing mail as normal; but the problem is that 
/var/mail/[username] has collected tons of mail that needs to be 
"processed" via procmail.
Is there a way I can pipe all this mail into procmail so that it'll be 
"processed" like normal.

I'm thinking something like "cat /var/mail/[username] | procmail 


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