Getting around ISP SMTP firewall settings (Re: Submitting a new port if send-pr is broken)

Aryeh M. Friedman aryeh.friedman at
Mon Nov 26 22:01:37 PST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:
> > Frankly, unless you processing mail for a lot of people, there is no
> > benefit to running your own mailserver, and you really ought to be
> > using a client-server model for getting mail, as you are doing.  The
> > OP just hasn't realized this yet.
> Actually I am processing mail for over a dozen people and almost 100
> diff addrs so it does make sense if it is possible.

Oops forgot to mention there is a small set of complicating factors:

1. The people and addrs I process mail for all have the same domain
but live in locations all around the globe (virtual company)

2. The domain should/must be the same as the company's web page (see
my sig for addr) which is on a convention web hosting arrangement

3. As far I can all inbound/outbound smtp/http (25, 587, and 80) are
blocked by the ISP (they offer them under a business package that also
includes a static IP but currently that is too pricey)

4. The ISP is the only one in my area (semi-rural) that offers high
speed bandwidth

5. Even though my web hoster offers mail forwarding it does not offer
mail box and/or mailing list hosting (having prepaid for 2 years and
only being 2 months into the deal I am not going to switch providers)
- --
Aryeh M. Friedman
Developer, not business, friendly
Version: GnuPG v2.0.4 (FreeBSD)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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