Build Frustrations

Philip M. Gollucci pgollucci at
Tue Nov 20 10:50:34 PST 2007

> This allowed apache2-non-ports to compile.  However the question in my
> mind that still bears answering is: why apr would FIND such a library as
> installed (i.e. not fail at configure-time) but then fail to compile.
> I.e. why does the APR not set CFLAGS and LDFLAGS correctly.
This you should post to dev at, I might even answer it
there, but the answer lies in the configure script logic which was
chosen very carefully.

Philip M. Gollucci (philip at
Senior System Admin - Riderway, Inc. /
1024D/EC88A0BF 0DE5 C55C 6BF3 B235 2DAB  B89E 1324 9B4F EC88 A0BF

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love like you'll never get hurt,
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