
Leonard Lilla leonard_lilla at
Thu Nov 8 09:39:35 PST 2007



            Talk about a horrible install. Install this CD, now that now
this now that now this now that!!! It goes on and on. Please do think about
people that are trying your install and are less knowledgeable and install
using your 2 cd install. It is just horrible how many times I went from CD1
to CD2 and forth and back and back and forth. Just a killer. If I needed
exercise I would have called my trainer.


I hope that I will be able to say better things about the rest of the
install or the OS. Well, I can. Install sucks. If I click on something there
is no recourse. Just a next and no back. I did not have the right cd once
and that port did not install, period. no retry or skip. Just done with it.
There are simply no error handling or user fault anticipation in your
install. Not friendly.



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