Best way to measure disk bandwidth usage

Andrea Venturoli ml at
Wed Nov 7 09:41:35 PST 2007

Doug Clements ha scritto:

> gstat, iostat, and systat -vm are the tools I use for this.

Thanks for the fast answer.
A couple more questions:

gstat gives percentage values: what are these and how are they computed? 
In the man page I can find no answer.

iostat is also expecially interesting, since it can run 
non-interactively and I could poll it through cacti...
However this monitors only raw da devices. Is there a way to get 
gmirrors monitored?
Finally this gives overall MB/s, which is very interesting, but I'd also 
need to refer this to an end-of-scale value, in order to understand if 
the disks are working to their fullest (and thus are the bottleneck).
Is this correct? Where could I desume such a value? (I remember there 
was an utility... though I don't remember its name).

  bye & Thanks

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