How to make Apache (2.2.4) less greedy, or Sendmail less polite? [semi-solved]

Chuck Swiger cswiger at
Tue May 8 16:45:03 UTC 2007

On May 8, 2007, at 5:51 AM, Olaf Greve wrote:
[ ... ]
> -Can anyone recommend me proper anti spam authorities to whom I can  
> report the IP addresses that caused the issues on my machine?

Try doing a WHOIS lookup on the IP address, and send a report  
containing sample httpd-access log lines or the message-board spam to  
the abuse contacts, if listed.  In some cases, WHOIS does not return  
useful info-- in which case, doing a traceroute and noting the ISP  
used for the last few hops will probably do.

> -At present, in Apache I have added:
> <Location ~ "store_comments_script.php">
>     Order deny,allow
>     Deny from all
> </Location>
> Can anyone tell me of a good way to only ever allow calls to this  
> script coming from the proper previous script, or should this be  
> handled from PHP itself?  Perhaps this question isn't very clear,  
> but what I'm looking for is a way to block any and all direct calls  
> to this script, that originate from anywhere but from the  
> photography site itself.

Add something like "Allow from localhost" to the Location block  
quoted above?


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