SOLVED: Re: Problems with "burncd" - cannot mount result on unix or windows

Jerry McAllister jerrymc at
Fri Mar 23 19:01:40 UTC 2007

On Thu, Mar 22, 2007 at 04:16:58PM -0700, UCTC Sysadmin wrote:

> In looking at the documentation for "cdrecord", the examples showed a 
> two-step process
> of making an ISO image then burning it.
> Here's my deal:
> NEVER HAVING BURNED a CD or DVD on FreeBSD before -
> I go to the documentation to FIND OUT HOW
> and there really is no HOW
> So I look in vain for
> "What you need to do in the kernel if anything to support burning CDs/DVDs"
> "What additional support libraries or software would be needed"
> "The stepwise process for burning CDs or DVDs"
> I created a junk file called "junk.tar" as a single file to put on a CD to 
> prove the command works.
> I then use
> burncd -f /dev/acd0 data junk.tar fixate
> and of course trying to
> mount -t cd9660 /dev/acd0 /mnt
> fails and the CD is also unreadable on windows.
> Now, users used to smart unix commands read the man page and it SAYS of 
> burncd
> fixate writes a TOC and makes the CD readable
> I am writing an ISO9660 device (a device for which ISO9660 is a reasonable 
> default FS - yes? no?)
> Any meaningful defaults here? Did the man page tell me I hade to wrap my 
> data inside a filesystem image?
> I did not see that. So DUH is right.
> I then said, hey.
> mkisofs -R -o image.raw junk.tar
> THEN said
> burncd -f /dev/acd0 data image.raw fixate
> and VOILA like magic all is good. It works and reads on unix and windows 
> like a champ.

Oh, I just assumed you had done the mkiso.
If that is not in the handbook and FAQ, it should be, of course.



> =======
> So THE FAQ and/or HOWTO SUCKS, is the problem. If that offends purists, try 
> fixing your transmission
> under deadline with a japanese shop manual translated into english and no 
> diagrams. Documentation makes
> all the difference, both to novices and to professionals. Someone who knows 
> the how and what should
> write a contributed thing - whenever they have the time and desire to 
> educate the unwashed masses.
> -foo-

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