creating rc.d scripts

Chuck Swiger cswiger at
Wed Mar 21 17:57:49 UTC 2007

On Mar 21, 2007, at 10:52 AM, Jim Stapleton wrote:
> I created a script in my /usr/local/etc/rc.d directory, but for some
> reason it doesn't auto start when I start my machine. I added entries
> to the rc.conf that I thought should work, but they did not. On a
> related not, my rc.conf file doesn't seem to disable autostart of
> sendmail. Could anyone advise me?

Your rc script is probably not working because it might not find  
python under /usr/local/bin unless you explicitly set $PATH to  
include that directory.

Secondly, you want to use sendmail_enable="NONE" rather than "NO" if  
you want to completely disable all of sendmail.  Setting it to "NO"  
means that there is no sendmail daemon listening on port 25, but  
there will still be a local client mqueue runner spawned to handle  
local deliveries.


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