FreeBSD 6.2 + Subversion - cannot connect...

Paul van den Bergen paul.vandenbergen at
Tue Mar 20 04:45:42 UTC 2007

Hi All,

I'm trying to set up a subversion server on a miniITX box running a
freebsd server (no X) and vanilla subversion - no appache, either
straight svn or svn+ssh.

followed the basics from 2 howtos on the net - OnLamp and another (I
can't recall off the top of my head)

I can svn import, svn commit and svn checkout using the file method
from either the svn user or other users using the file:/// method.

I cannot svn to the repository using tortoise SVN from the windows XP
box on the same network.

any suggestions welcome for where to start looking - I'm all out.

Dr Paul van den Bergen

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