Serial Port Problems

Dan D Niles dan at
Thu Mar 1 21:27:16 UTC 2007

More Dell 2950 woes.

I use serial ports to manage my FreeBSD machines remotely.  I've never
had any problems until now.  I've installed FreeBSD 6.2 on a Dell 2950.

The install goes without problems over the serial port.  After the
reboot, I get the typical:

FreeBSD/i386 ( (ttyd0)


and I can log in just fine.  If I disconnect and come back later
(sometimes), or if I hit return without entering a login name (always)
it starts spitting out junk like:


I can log in blind, but everything is scrambled.  Here is what I see
after logging in:

nooo~:ro}Zqsswv~?Nmswtloooo~:t|}}msr 1115?;5>:3ontt}}t=Koy{{oo|
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If I exit things go back to normal until I disconnect for a while or hit
return without a login name.

I tried loading an older FreeBSD to see if it was a hardware issue or a
FreeBSD issue, but my disks (mfi) aren't supported.

It seems like the speed of the tty is getting out of sync.

HELP! Any ideas?  



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