(Solution) Libtool library used but `LIBTOOL' is undefined

Federico Lorenzi florenzi at gmail.com
Sat Jun 30 15:17:04 UTC 2007

Hi List
I've been having this problem for a while, and after countless tries
at fixing it,
discovered it is really simply. I thought i might post the solution
here in case
anyone else encounters the same problem.

Basically when running ./autogen or bootstrap, you get something like:
fed# automake
src/Makefile.am:3: Libtool library used but `LIBTOOL' is undefined
src/Makefile.am:3: The usual way to define `LIBTOOL' is to add `AC_PROG_LIBTOOL'
src/Makefile.am:3: to `configure.in' and run `aclocal' and `autoconf' again.

This is caused because FreeBSD renames the default tools, like aclocal to
aclocal19. When aclocal is run, it looks for files in its FreeBSD set directory,
/usr/local/share/aclocal19 but most normal apps, like libtool, install to
/usr/local/share/aclocal. The solution? Simple! Just merge the contents into one
directory, delete the other, and create a symlink!

Hope this helps someone


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