Upgrading x.org to 7.2 (to make other ports happy)

Andrew Falanga af300wsm at gmail.com
Fri Jun 15 15:35:49 UTC 2007


Ok, last night I sit down to continue installing software on that web
server I mentioned a couple of days ago.  By the way, the culprit was
definitely heat.  Last night, I successfully recompiled the GENERIC
kernel for 6.2p5 without a hitch, and the day before I successfully
completed the "buildworld".  Continuing on, after getting the system
caught up, I updated my ports tree using csup and proceeded to
portupgrade all installed ports (only about 5 at this time).  However,
X.org is among them.

So, the portupgrade program is doing its thing I figure since it took
a little over an hour to compile all of X before, I was going to do
other things and so left the box to its own devices.  I come back a
little later to find that I've got to update X.org according
/usr/ports/UPDATING.  I open this file and read up on what it says.
In there it says I need to run a script called "xorg-upgrade" however,
this script does not exist on this box.  I just finished a search on
www.x.org for "xorg-upgrade" with no results.  So, where am I supposed
to get this script?  The UPDATING file doesn't mention that.


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