qemu, bridging, wifi, ip tunnels, etc

Kevin Downey redchin at gmail.com
Tue Jun 12 17:45:54 UTC 2007

I have a qemu vm with w2k as the guest os. The vm is running on my
desktop on which I am tracking -CURRENT. My desktop's network
connection is wifi via an atheros card. I would like the w2k vm to be
on the same network as the desktop, and get it's ip via dhcp, etc. I
seems like wifi is not very friendly to casual bridging, so just
ifconfig bridge0 addm tap0 addm ath0 up seems to be out.

I was thinking of an ip tunnel (gif) from the desktop to a machine
that is using wired ethernet. Then bridge the gif interface on the
desktop with the tap interface from qemu and finally bridging the gif
interface on the wired machine with its nic (vr)

uh, it seems sort of complicated. Anyone have any simpler suggestions,
or suggestions more likely to work?

i'll unhook my oily pink mini-kimono, you kill him in honolulu

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