Loader can't read USB drive @ boot

Fred Davidson fredbsdavidson at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 5 16:18:02 UTC 2007

Well I was having this problem with GRUB which someone
helped me with.  Now Grub will boot my USB key and
load loader.  The problem?  loader hangs, and
eventually says it can't find the kernel.  when I
lsdev it always gives the right description of my hard
disk partitions on the hard drive, but prints nothing
for the USB disk. So...

Is this a problem of FreeBSD not being able to read
from the USB stick this early?

Is this a problem of the BIOS being fishy with FreeBSD
and refusing to give up the details of the USB stick? 

Is this (like a read in another post) just a problem
of the specific USB stick I'm using, and that there's
something different about different sticks? Do these
little sticks really have firmware?

You ponder that, I'm gonna go drop some cash on a new
USB stick, hope that's it.


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